The Misconception Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence: AI as a Complement, Not a Replacement

Monis Bukhari
2 min readMay 7, 2023

النسخة العربية على مدوّنة البخاري

The confusion between the concepts of AI capabilities and intelligence is concerning. There are many articles that discuss a future where AI algorithms surpass human intelligence, which is illogical and impossible. Recently, statements made by Geoffrey Hinton, also known as “The godfather of AI,” shocked and made me lose all respect for him and his “intelligence.”

Hinton’s recent comments showed me that he does not understand the nature of AI or its abilities. He now believes that AI could eliminate humanity, comparing it to aliens landing on our planet and speaking English fluently without us realizing it. This type of talk belongs in cheap science fiction comics and Hollywood movies, not among scientists.

By the way, Hinton’s statement repeats the arguments of the Nazis about the necessity of expelling and exterminating the Jews of Germany, because they are seen as aliens who speak German fluently.

AI technology is a tool and will remain so. In the past, when humans were replaced by oxen on plows, people believed that the oxen were superior and would dominate the world, to the point of worshiping them. However, the oxen remained a tool and engine, and people replaced them with the invention of the mechanical engine. Like the oxen, AI is evolving rapidly and has already outperformed humans in certain areas, such as playing chess and translating languages.

This is natural, as AI cannot forget and can process vast amounts of data quickly. This makes AI more powerful than humans, like the oxen on the plow. However, it does not make AI smarter than humans. These abilities are muscles, not intelligence.

It should be noted that human intelligence and AI intelligence are fundamentally different. Human intelligence is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that includes not only cognitive abilities but also emotional, social, and ethical aspects. On the other hand, AI is designed to perform specific tasks and solve problems based on programmed algorithms and data.

Although AI is capable of processing large amounts of data and detecting complex patterns, it lacks creativity, intuition, empathy, and ethical thinking that human intelligence possesses. Human intelligence also has the ability to continuously learn, adapt to new situations, and develop new knowledge and skills. AI is not capable of adapting.

Therefore, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace human intelligence or replicate all aspects of it. However, AI can complement human intelligence as a tool and in different ways, such as developing routine tasks, providing insights and recommendations, and assisting in decision-making processes.

In short, AI is a tool to expand human capabilities and intelligence. Its existence has no value without the existence of humans, much like the value of the oxen for the plow and the plowed land.



Monis Bukhari

Arab researcher, passionate about culinary history, geography, and social history. Uzbek, raised in Syria, resides in Germany. With Arab-Turk roots.